Fasten your seatbelts once more! The LHCb Starterkit is taking off for the sixth time! This year’s Starterkit will be held from the 21st to 25th of October 2019 at CERN.

Registration is now open! You can find all necessary information, including the registration form on the Indico page for the event.

The LHCb Starterkit is a yearly workshop designed to teach new students at LHCb the computing skills they need to become effective researchers. This year, we will once again teach the fundamentals of the LHCb software, as well as useful basics like Bash, Git and Python to 45 Masters and PhD students from LHCb.

Additionally this year there will be 30 students from ALICE and 10 students from SHiP collaborations joining for the first two days.

We expect the event to be very popular, so please make sure to register as soon as possible. Spots will be assigned on a first-come first-served basis. The registration fee of CHF 25 needs to be paid to the LHCb secretariat in advance of the workshop. It will be used to finance coffee breaks and a social event.

Should you have any further questions, you can contact us by email.

Please keep in mind that this event is specifically designed for early PhD students, or advanced Masters students. If you are not sure whether the Starterkit is at an appropriate level for you, you can have a look at last year’s lessons.

If you are taking on new PhD students this year, please consider bringing this workshop to their attention or registering on their behalf if they will be starting in the coming weeks.