Bender & Ganga/GRID

BenderModule in Ganga

To submit the GRID job in Ganga with your module, there is an application BenderModule in Ganga, writted by Vladimir Romanovsky. The usage of this application is rather simple:

job = Job  ( ... )
job.application = BenderModule ( 
   module     =     'the_path/' , ## <--- HERE  
   directory  = ...   , ## the  directory where the existing project lives  
   platform   = 'x86_64-slc6-gcc62-opt'

There us helper function prepareBender that allows to prepare the application

job = Job  ( ... )
job.application = prepareBender ( 
   version    = 'v31r0' , 
   platform   = 'x86_64-slc6-gcc62-opt' , 
   ## path       = '$HOME/cmtuser' ## use this  directory to prepare the project
   use_tmp    = True               ## use  some temporary directory 
   params     = ...  ## optionally feed it with params arguments for configure method

For more details consult help(BenderModule) and help(prepareBender) in Ganga

BenderRun in Ganga

BenderRun is a dedicated application in Ganga to run bender script. The usage is fairly trivial

j.application = BenderRun    ( scripts   = [ 'the_path/'     ] ,
                               imports   = [ ''        ] ,
                               commands  = [ 'ls()' , 'run(10)'  , 'ls()' ] ,
                               arguments = [ ... ] ,
                               directory =  ...  )

Again, there is helper function prepareBenderRun j.applictaion = prepareBenderRun ( version = 'v30r1' , scripts = ['the_path/' , '' ] , commands = [ ... ] , arguments = [ ... ] , use_tmp = True , ... ) `` For more details consulthelp(BenderRun)andhelp(prepareBenderRun)inGanga`

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