Create the compound particles in Bender


  • One needs to understand the way how Bender accesses the data

Learning objectives

  • Understand how Bender algorithm combines the particles and creates the compound particles


The next example illustrates how one combines the particles and create the compound particles inside the Bender algorithm. Let's consider a simple case of creation of B+ -> J/psi(1S) K+ decays.

The first step is rather obvious: before getting the combinations, we need to get the individual components. Here select function does the job:

## get J/psi mesons from the input
psis  = ( 'psi' , 'J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-' )
## get energetic kaons from the input:
kaons = ( 'k'  , ( 'K+' == ID ) & ( PT > 1 * GeV ) &  ( PROBNNk > 0.2 ) )

The loop over psi k combinations is ratehr trivial:

## make a loop over J/psi K combinations :
for b in self.loop( 'psi k' , 'B+' ) :
    ## fast evaluation of mass (no fit here!) 
    m12 = b.mass ( 1 , 2 ) / GeV
    print 'J/psiK mass is %s[GeV]'  % m12  
    p1  = b.momentum ( 1 ) / GeV 
    p2  = b.momentum ( 2 ) / GeV 
    p12 = b.momentum ( 1 , 2 ) / GeV 
    print 'J/psiK  momentum is is %s[GeV]'  % p12

Looping object (b here), as the name, suggests, make a loop over all psi k combinations. The loop is done in CPU efficient way,
and no expensive vertex fitting is performed. One can estimate various raw (no fit) kinematical quantities using functions momentum, mass , etc... (Note that indices starts from 1. For all LoKi-based functions the index 0 is reserved for self-reference, the mother particle itself). These raw quantities can be used for quick reject of bad combinations before making CPU-expensive vertex fit.
If/when combination satisfies certain criteria, the vertex
fit and creatino of the compound particle is triggered automatically if any of particle/vertex information is retrieved (either directy via particle/vertex method, or indirectly, e.g. via call to any particle/vertex LoKi-functor. The good created mother particles can be saved for subsequent steps under some unique tag:

for b in self.loop( 'psi k' , 'B+' ) :
    ## fast evaluation of mass (no fit here!) 
    m12 = b.mass ( 1 , 2 ) / GeV
    if not 5 < m12 <   6    : continue  
    chi2vx = VCHI2 ( b )   ## indirect call for vertex fitr and creation of B+ meson
    if not 0<= chi2v <  20  : continue 
    m = M ( p ) / GeV 
    if not 5 <  m < 5.6     :  continue'MyB')

Obviously the looping can be combnied with filling of historgams and n-tuples.

How to deal with charge conjugation?Click to expand

The saved particles can be extracted back using the method selected:

myB = self.selected('MyB')
for b in myB : 
   print M(b)/GeV


It is clear that to build B+ -> J/psi(1S) K+ decays, one needs to
feed the algorithm with J/psi(1S)-mesond and kaons. Using Selectionmachinery is the most efficient ansd transaprent way to do it.

from PhysConf.Selections import AutomaticData
jpsi = AutomaticData( '/Event/Dimuon/Phys/FullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuDetachedLine/Particles' )

from StandardParticles   import StdLooseKaons as kaons     
bsel = BenderSelection ( 'MakeB' , [ jpsi , kaons ] )

The complete example of creation of B+ -> J/psi(1S) K+ decays starting from DIMUON.DST is accessible from here


Wth these example, you should be able to do

  • code Bender algorithm that perofem loopint, combianig anc creation of compound particles

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