
Ganga is a job submission and management tool. It can submit and monitor jobs with several backends (local, batch, grid) without the need to customise scripts. Configure once, run anywhere! See the docs or starterkit for more details.


The LHCb software framework, see the Gaudi homepage and the Starterkit high level overview for more details.


The LHCb simulation application. Project website.

GBTx: Gigabit Transceiver chip

A serializer-deserializer chip receiving and transmitting serial data at 4.8 Gb/s, which uses the GBT protocol. See The GBT project document.

GEANT4: GEometry ANd Tracking 4

A software package which is used for simulating the processes that occur between as particles move through matter. Website.

Ghost track

Fake track reconstructed from combinations of random hits not coming from the same true particle.

Ghost rate

Amount of reconstructed tracks not matched to a MC particle with respect to total amount of tracks found by the pattern recognition. Important performance number of a tracking algorithm.

GLIMOS: Group Leader In Matters Of Safety

Each collaboration has one of its members designated as the authority in safety matters. At CERN, the Group Leader In Matters Of Safety has complete authority over personnel and equipment in all matters that concern safety of the experiment, independently of what home institute the personnel or equipment belongs.

GEC: Global Event Cut

Preselection requirement applied in the trigger system to discard events that are time consuming in the reconstruction due to large event multiplicities. In the upgrade trigger system applied for some HLT1 lines based on the number of UT and SciFi clusters.

GPD: General Purpose Detector

Collective term for detectors capable of performing various types of studies. The ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC are GPDs.

Grid Certificate

Certificate required to access grid services. Can be obtained from CERN. To be useable you must be a member of a VO.

Grid Proxy

X509 authentication to use the grid. The proxy is generated from your grid certificate with the command lhcb-proxy-init and by default is valid for 24 hours. In Ganga you create the proxy with credential_store.create(DiracProxy()).

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