HCAL: Hadronic Calorimeter
The purpose of the HCAL is to stop and measure the energy of hadrons and prevent them from travelling further through the detector. Like the ECAL, it is a sampling calorimeter made of layers of iron and plastic scintillator.
HLT: High Level Trigger
Software trigger. Software that decides if data from the detectore gets written to storage or thrown away.
HPD: Hybrid Photon Detectors
A vacuum photodetector consisting of a vacuum photon tube and a pixel silicon detector. HPDs were used in the original LHCb design (Runs 1 and 2). The radius of the HPD was 72 mm with 8192 pixels, that were combined into 1024 super-pixels, each 8 pixels size.
HEP-wide benchmark for measuring CPU performance based on the SPEC2006 benchmark.
HSF: HEP Software Foundation
The HSF facilitates coordination and common efforts in HEP software and computing internationally.
Formerly Condor. Backend for CERN's batch service. Use Condor
backend in Ganga.